Virtual Audition Intensive Resources
Pease use the links below to access sheet music and recorded accompaniment for prep songs and for monologues. Choose one of each and record yourself on your cellphone singing one of the songs and performing one of the monologues.
When you are finished, upload here. Please introduce yourself at the beginning of your recording. Please choose from the material provided. Remember this is not an audition but a way for the instructors to get to know you and your voice.
Please complete participant information, emergency contact information and sign off on our policies.
Preparation Transfer
Upload your short song and monologue before the program starts. To upload a file, click the "file transfer" button.
Press the "+" button to add files. Add your email address to the "your email" section and be sure to include your name in the message field. Click transfer once all files have been added.
Email with any questions.